We preach Christ; crucified, risen, and coming again.
It is our privilege to share the Good News of salvation. Christ has died to pay for our sin and by His sacrificial death man can now have forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
Please understand God loves you as you are and wants to rescue you from the devil's hell. That is why Jesus died. Everyone has to make the personal decision to accept Christ's death payment or reject it (see John 3:16). A primary purpose of IBFC is to plead with people to make that decision and be saved. Romans 10:13 states, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." If you desire to know more, please contact us.

Pastor Simpson called upon Christ to be his Savior at a Vacation Bible School at the First Baptist Church of Turnersville, NJ when he was ten years old. Although he planned to pursue a career in architecture, the Lord worked in his heart at a youth ministry for teens in 1974. Through that ministry he dedicated his life to Christ. He eventually attended the Florida Bible College and graduated with a B.A. in 1980.
Following graduation he served at his home church where he was saved in Turnersville. He also taught fifth grade at the Gloucester County Christian School in Pitman, NJ where he met the sixth grade teacher Miss Susan Hornung, the daughter of Rev. Paul Hornung, a local pastor. They were married in 1983.
Feeling the leading of the Lord, he enrolled in the Capital Bible Seminary in Lanham, MD and graduated with an M. Div. in 1985.
The Lord called Pastor, Susan and family to Independent Bible Fellowship Church in 1996. While serving as pastor, the Lord led him to further his education at Bob Jones University where he received the degree Doctor of Ministry in 2001.
During the past few years the Lord has opened the doors for Pastor to serve on the mission boards of Frontline Fellowship and International Partnership Ministries. He also serves with the Harrington Police Department as a chaplain.